Click the upload button to select one or more files. Once the upload is finished, we will issue you a unique URL which you can share with others who can then download the file instantly.
For as long as possible unless the file violates our Terms of Use.
Please report any findings if you stumble upon something against our rules.
You are free to upload as long as you don't exceed the following restrictions:
Max 100 MB per file
Do not upload: Child pornography, viruses/malware, entire episodes of anime, or full length episodes of TV shows/movies, or heavy gore.
You cannot use Upload Bay for commercial services without prior approval. Examples include as a CDN, image host for your business/ecommerce site, or a source for videos that are streamed on sites other than directly.
Should you violate any of the above banned content, your offending files will be deleted and your IP blacklisted.
No. We do not enforce any form of bandwidth limitations on downloads.
F.A.Q - Terms Of Use - Report Abuse
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